Conveyor systems from Prim Hall are available in both standard and custodial configurations. Systems are typically customized with a variety of basic standard elements. With the advent of demographics in the Perfect Binding marketplace, the Conveyor systems have become typically longer and more complex. The standard system elements include a Laydown unit of various lengths, flite-top and belt conveyors, manual stream splitters, automatic single copy stream splitters, and a hopper feeder conveyor with speeder belt/speeder roller typically complete with the system. Conveyor specifications vary depending upon the application, but are designed to be compatible with the rest of the Perfect Binding system.
Following are more common Conveyor elements that we offer:
The Laydown Conveyor accepts products from the Binder delivery and rotates the product from the vertical to the horizontal position. The Conveyor can be either left or right handed.

Plate Top Conveyor Systems consist of integrated straight and turn sections. Their primary function is to move product from point A to point B. The conveyance surface is Rex plastic flite-top chain, with guides on the outside of the turns.
The Shingling Conveyor is approximately three feet, six inches long and supported by a set of legs and the downstream Conveyor. There is an adjustable drop of 2" to 6" from the Laydown Conveyor. The Conveyor is 12" wide and of a high tack material to ensure that the position of the book is controlled when it drops on it.
Custodial Conveyor Systems utilize the same basic Conveyor system with the exception that the conveyance surface has lugs attached to it on either 12" or 15" centers to convey the product separately.
The Take Away Conveyor is positioned at the end of the Reject unit. As each product is diverted, the Take Away Conveyor acts as a bump turn and collects the products. The Take Away Conveyor indexes one or two inches per product. Thus, a shingled stream of the rejected product is created.

Turnover Conveyors are available in a variety of models. All of the units have the basic function of flipping the product over, top to bottom. The typical use is to convert a stream from "cover on top" to "cover on the bottom". All models must accept the products in a single copy stream to operate. The products are then delivered in a single copy fashion, which is better suited to demographic/custodial control applications. The flip over model is the only model that inverts the product from head to foot. When converting from turnover to straight through, the belt must be removed and untwisted.

The Translating/Rotating Conveyor (TRC) accepts the product being conveyed and, while moving in a straight line, rotates the product about a vertical axis. The amount of rotation is typically 90 degrees, for example, to position a product with "backbone on the side" to "backbone leading". Other applications for the TRC are in the Post Trimmer, Selective Card Inserting section. The TRC rotates the product to "backbone to the sideí to provide the open edge of the product suitable for plow opening. The unit can rotate optionally any desired amount; 180 degrees, for example.
Stack Conveyors are typically utilized from the delivery of the Stacker, Strapper, Shrink Wrapper, etc. for conveying stacks of products. All units are ruggedly designed to handle the weight of the coated magazine stocks. The Stack Conveyor unit has "accumulating" capability. The Conveyors come in straight, turns and S-turns. Floor plan configurations are available upon request.

Loop Conveyors provide extra dry time before trimming and can be configured according to customer product specifications. Where space is a concern, the loops can be stacked so the footprint remains relatively compact.
A variety of Diverts/Rejects are available to meet the needs of any application. There are applications for diverting cold books (books missing covers), as well as good books when the Trimmer is down and running non-demographic work. The diverted good books can reenter the system with a Refeed Shuttle Feeder and optional Hopper Loader device to provide a large queue.

PrimHall offers Conveyors to interface to 3-Knife or 5-Knife Trimmers for demographic or non-demographic configurations. The Prim Hall Dual Lane Delivery Conveyor interface to a 5-Knife Mail Table or Trimmer and accepts either dual or single stream. The compact size requires less floor space and the 2 deliveries are in close proximity, allowing one person to stack down from Stacker, Strapper or Wrapper deliveries.

Bagging Conveyor/Table configurations are also available. The Bagging Table consists of a five-sided stainless steel shelf with bag hooks attached to the sides for hanging mailbags. Overall length is approximately six feet (6') long allowing for multiple stations when operating at faster speeds.