Since its inception in 1988, PrimHall Enterprises has been privileged to be a major supplier to the commercial printing industry. PrimHall equipment can be found in a wide variety of applications in binderies across North America and abroad.
The "zero defect" tolerance level of commercial binderies means that only equipment that can perform consistently at the highest standards can survive, and PrimHall is proud to be able to make that claim.
The duty cycle for equipment involved in monthly publication finishing requires a robust design that will endure the rigors of running for extended periods, often 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. With a wide variety of product applications, PrimHall's equipment range is ideally suited to newspaper assembly.
Our designs have been proven over many years in many varied bindery applications and we feel that the continued FSI growth in the newspaper industry is demanding such alternate solution. Our experience qualifies us to provide such solutions. Whether it be an FSI Packaging System or auxiliary Hopper Loaders, see what Prim Hall can do for you.
The PrimHall Newspaper Hopper Loader is the most technically advanced Loader on the market today. Through innovative development efforts runnable product ranges are expanded, operating efficiencies are improved and makeready times are reduced.
Reduced Manning Requirements:
- Manual jogging is essentially eliminated.
- Physical injuries are reduced.
- Convenient working height for loading.
Improved Hopper Operating Efficiency:
- Uniform, low level pile height in Feed Hopper for fewer misses and doubles.
- Feeder's individual traits are masked from the Feed Hopper.
- Single Pointside Guide Adjustment
- Air Manifold
- Timed Shut-off for Air and Joggers
- Hopper Tail Joggers
- Hand Feed Section
- Single Point Height Adjustment
- Nose Jogger
- Dual Motor Conveyor Drive
- Pile Height Sensor